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* Secure X Message Passing Library v2 examples.
* (c) Alexander Vdolainen 2013-2015 <>
* libsxmp is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* libsxmp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.";
* This is an example of sxmp usage.
* NOTE: It was developed quite fast within one day,
* btw - this the reason of some ugly code here.
* This is a client example, without builtin streams.
* It's based on the daemon own stream implementation.
* NOTE(win32): don't have a time to test it or fix it to
* make it works on windows, if you can - u're welcome.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#define __USE_GNU
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <sys/select.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <uuid/uuid.h>
#include <execinfo.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <tdata/usrtc.h>
#include <sexpr/sexp.h>
#include <sxmp/limits.h>
#include <sxmp/sxmp.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "filelist.h"
#include "../config.h"
#define FULL_PROGRAM_NAME "File lister client"
#include "helpers.h"
struct _remote_host {
char *root_x509;
char *user_x509;
char *hostname;
char *login;
char *password;
int port;
sxhub_t *hub;
sxlink_t *link;
struct _icmd {
int id;
int opt;
char *cmdname;
int (*__fu)(FILE *, struct _remote_host *, const char *);
/* supported commands */
enum commands {
__LISTDIR = 0,
static int __remote_ls(FILE *, struct _remote_host *, const char *);
struct _icmd _tool[] = {
{ .id = __LISTDIR, .opt = 0, .cmdname = "ls", .__fu = __remote_ls },
{ .id = 0, .opt = 0, .cmdname = NULL, .__fu = NULL },
* This function might be used to check supported RPC calls
* i.e. for each channel type id this callback is called.
* Whereas the place to check it with ID and description.
* Should return SXE_SUCCESS if supported.
static int __rpcscheck_onclient(sxlink_t *l, int ch_tid, char *description)
* This function might be used to output log in any format you like.
* In this case it is a prefix with a message type before a message body.
static int __log(const sxlogtype_t type, const char *fmt, ...)
int r = 0;
switch(type) {
r += fprintf(stderr, "[CRITICAL] ");
r += fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR] ");
r += fprintf(stderr, "[WARNING] ");
r += fprintf(stderr, "[INFO] ");
r += fprintf(stderr, "[DEBUG] ");
r += fprintf(stderr, "[UNKNOWN] ");
va_list arglist;
va_start(arglist, fmt);
r += vfprintf(stderr, fmt, arglist);
return r;
/* supplemetary functions to make code more readable */
static int __close_dir_stream(sxchnl_t *c, int sid)
int r = SXE_SUCCESS;
char *remote_rpc;
size_t remote_rpc_len;
sxmsg_t *msg = NULL;
remote_rpc_len = strlen("dir-close") + sizeof(char)*16;
if(!(remote_rpc = malloc(remote_rpc_len))) return ENOMEM;
else remote_rpc_len = snprintf(remote_rpc, remote_rpc_len, "(dir-close %d)", sid);
r = sxmsg_send(c, remote_rpc, remote_rpc_len, &msg);
if(r == SXE_RAPIDMSG) sxmsg_clean(msg);
else if(r == SXE_REPLYREQ) r = sxmsg_return(msg, SXE_SUCCESS);
return r;
/* our commands or tools implementation */
static int __remote_ls(FILE *fso, struct _remote_host *rh, const char *opts)
char *remote_rpc;
size_t remote_rpc_len;
sxmsg_t *msg = NULL;
sxchnl_t *rpc_channel = NULL;
sexp_t *sx, *isx, *iisx;
char *remote_reply = NULL, *dname, *dtype;
int rrc = 0, stream_id = 0, i, ii;
/* ok determine the lenght */
remote_rpc_len = strlen("dir-open") + 12*sizeof(char) +
9 years ago
(opts ? strlen (opts) : strlen("./"));
if(!(remote_rpc = malloc(remote_rpc_len))) return ENOMEM;
else remote_rpc_len = snprintf(remote_rpc, remote_rpc_len,
9 years ago
"(dir-open \"%s\")", opts ? opts : "./");
/* firstly open the required channel with required type */
if(!(rpc_channel = sxchannel_open(rh->link, READONLY_CHANNEL))) {
rrc = errno;
goto __fini;
rrc = sxmsg_send(rpc_channel, remote_rpc, remote_rpc_len, &msg);
if(rrc == SXE_RAPIDMSG || rrc == SXE_REPLYREQ) {
remote_reply = strdup(sxmsg_payload(msg));
if(rrc == SXE_RAPIDMSG) sxmsg_clean(msg);
else rrc = sxmsg_return(msg, SXE_SUCCESS);
if(!remote_reply && (rrc != 0 || rrc != SXE_SUCCESS)) goto __fini;
else sx = parse_sexp(remote_reply, strlen(remote_reply));
if(!sx) { rrc = EINVAL; goto __fini; }
/* ok, now we will take a pass with our received S expression */
rrc = EINVAL;
SEXP_ITERATE_LIST(sx, isx, i) {
if(isx->ty == SEXP_LIST) stream_id = -1;
if(!i && strcmp(isx->val, "dir-stream")) stream_id = -1;
if(i == 1 && !stream_id) stream_id = atoi(isx->val);
/* free all the stuff */
free(remote_reply); remote_reply = NULL;
if(stream_id < 0) goto __fini;
else rrc = SXE_SUCCESS;
/* now we're ready to read contents from the remote host */
remote_rpc_len = strlen("dir-read") + sizeof(char)*32;
if(!(remote_rpc = malloc(remote_rpc_len))) { rrc = ENOMEM; goto __fini; }
else remote_rpc_len = snprintf(remote_rpc, remote_rpc_len, "(dir-read %d)", stream_id);
/* print header */
fprintf(fso, "%-24s | %-12s\n", "Name", "Type");
fprintf(fso, "---------------------------------------\n");
while(1) {
rrc = sxmsg_send(rpc_channel, remote_rpc, remote_rpc_len, &msg);
if(rrc == SXE_RAPIDMSG || rrc == SXE_REPLYREQ) {
remote_reply = strdup(sxmsg_payload(msg));
if(rrc == SXE_RAPIDMSG) sxmsg_clean(msg);
else rrc = sxmsg_return(msg, SXE_SUCCESS);
} else goto __fini;
if(!remote_reply) goto __fini;
else if(!(sx = parse_sexp(remote_reply, strlen(remote_reply)))) {
rrc = ENOMEM;
goto __fini;
rrc = EINVAL;
SEXP_ITERATE_LIST(sx, isx, i) {
if(!i && isx->ty == SEXP_LIST) { rrc = EINVAL; goto __fini; }
if(!i && !strcmp(isx->val, "dir-end")) {
rrc = __close_dir_stream(rpc_channel, stream_id);
goto __fini;
if(i && isx->ty != SEXP_LIST) { rrc = EINVAL; goto __fini; }
else if(i) {
SEXP_ITERATE_LIST(isx, iisx, ii) {
if(!ii) dname = iisx->val;
else dtype = iisx->val;
fprintf(fso, "%-24s | %-12s\n", dname, dtype);
/* free it */
free(remote_reply); remote_reply = NULL;
if(remote_reply) free(remote_reply);
if(remote_rpc) free(remote_rpc);
if(rpc_channel) i = sxchannel_close(rpc_channel);
if(rrc == SXE_SUCCESS && i == SXE_SUCCESS) rrc = 0;
return rrc;
static int __remote_host_connect(struct _remote_host *rh)
int r = 0;
sxhub_set_channelcall(rh->hub, __rpcscheck_onclient);
/* here we go, connect to the hist i.e. create a link to it */
rh->link = sxlink_connect(rh->hub, rh->hostname, rh->port, rh->user_x509,
rh->login, rh->password);
if(!rh->link) r = errno;
return r;
static void __help_print(FILE *fso, const char *fmtname)
fprintf(fso, "\n%s\n\n", FULL_PROGRAM_NAME);
/* usage options */
fprintf(fso, "Usage:\n");
fprintf(fso, "\t%s -r | --root-x509 <path> -u | --user-x509 <path> -H | --hostname <ip or hostname>"
" -l | --login <login> -P | --password <password> -c | --command <command>"
" [-o | --command-options <options>] [-p | --port <port>]\n", fmtname);
/* defaults */
fprintf(fso, "\t%s -h | --help\n", fmtname);
fprintf(fso, "\t%s -v | --version\n", fmtname);
/* options description */
fprintf(fso, "\nOptions:\n");
fprintf(fso, "\t%-33s Set pathname of the remote root X.509 public certificate.\n", "-r | --root-x509 <path>");
fprintf(fso, "\t%-33s Set pathname of the user X.509 public and private certificate.\n",
"-u | --user-x509 <path>");
fprintf(fso, "\t%-33s Hostname or IP address of the remote host.\n", "-H | --hostname <ip or hostname>");
fprintf(fso, "\t%-33s Set remote login name.\n", "-l | --login <login>");
fprintf(fso, "\t%-33s Set remote user password.\n", "-P | --password <password>");
fprintf(fso, "\t%-33s Command to run on the remote host.\n", "-c | --command <command>");
fprintf(fso, "\t%-33s Options for a command to run on the remote host [default: NULL].\n",
"-o | --command-options <options>");
fprintf(fso, "\t%-33s Remote host listening port number [default: %d].\n",
"-p | --port <port>", DEFAULT_PORT);
fprintf(fso, "\t%-33s Show help screen.\n", "-h | --help");
fprintf(fso, "\t%-33s Print version information.\n", "-v | --version");
int main(int argc, char **argv)
char *rootca, *cert, *host, *cmd;
char *login, *password, *options;
int port = DEFAULT_PORT, opt, i = 0;
int (*toolfunction)(FILE *, struct _remote_host *, const char *) = NULL;
struct _remote_host *rh = malloc(sizeof(struct _remote_host));
sxhub_t *lhub;
if(!rh) return ENOMEM;
else memset(rh, 0, sizeof(struct _remote_host));
rootca = cert = host = cmd = NULL;
login = password = options = NULL;
while(1) {
int option_index = 0;
static struct option long_options[] = {
/* These options a generic ones. */
{"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'}, /* print out help and version info */
{"version", no_argument, NULL, 'v'}, /* just out a version info */
/* The following options about settings . */
{"root-x509", required_argument, NULL, 'r'},
{"user-x509", required_argument, NULL, 'u'},
{"hostname", required_argument, NULL, 'H'},
{"port", required_argument, NULL, 'p'},
{"login", required_argument, NULL, 'l'},
{"password", required_argument, NULL, 'P'},
{"command", required_argument, NULL, 'c'},
{"command-options", required_argument, NULL, 'o'},
{ NULL, 0, NULL, 0 },
if((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hvr:u:H:p:l:P:c:o:", long_options,
&option_index)) == -1) break;
switch(opt) {
case 'h':
__help_print(stdout, argv[0]);
return 0;
case 'v':
return 0;
case 'r':
if(!(rootca = strdup(optarg))) return ENOMEM;
case 'u':
if(!(cert = strdup(optarg))) return ENOMEM;
case 'H':
if(!(host = strdup(optarg))) return ENOMEM;
case 'l':
if(!(login = strdup(optarg))) return ENOMEM;
case 'P':
if(!(password = strdup(optarg))) return ENOMEM;
case 'c':
if(!(cmd = strdup(optarg))) return ENOMEM;
case 'o':
if(!(options = strdup(optarg))) return ENOMEM;
case 'p':
port = atoi(optarg);
/* ok validate all before doing any stuff */
if(!rootca || !cert) {
fprintf(stderr, "One or more x.509 certificates files not pointed.\n");
__help_print(stderr, argv[0]);
return EINVAL;
if(!login || !password) {
fprintf(stderr, "Login or password not pointed.\n");
__help_print(stderr, argv[0]);
return EINVAL;
if(port <= 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Port number has invalid value.\n");
__help_print(stderr, argv[0]);
return EINVAL;
/* ok, check up for the command */
if(!cmd) {
fprintf(stderr, "No command given.\n");
__help_print(stderr, argv[0]);
return EINVAL;
/* try to lookup it */
while(_tool[i].cmdname != NULL) {
if(!strcmp(_tool[i].cmdname, cmd)) {
if(_tool[i].opt && !options) {
fprintf(stderr, "Command %s required options.\n", cmd);
__help_print(stderr, argv[0]);
return EINVAL;
toolfunction = _tool[i].__fu;
9 years ago
if(!toolfunction) {
fprintf(stderr, "No such function `%s' exist.\n", cmd);
__help_print(stderr, argv[0]);
return EINVAL;
/* initialize sxmp first */
sxmp_init(); /* init library */
lhub = sxhub_create(); /* create sxhub for link creation */
if(!lhub) return ENOMEM;
/* set sxhub log function */
sxhub_set_logops(lhub, __log);
i = sxhub_setsslserts(lhub, rootca, cert, cert);
if(i) return i;
/* ok setup our structure */
rh->port = port;
rh->root_x509 = rootca;
rh->user_x509 = cert;
rh->hostname = host;
rh->login = login;
rh->password = password;
rh->hub = lhub;
i = __remote_host_connect(rh);
if(i) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create link to %s@%s:%d with %d.\n", rh->login, rh->hostname,
rh->port, i);
} else {
i = toolfunction(stdout, rh, options);
if(i) fprintf(stderr, "Failed to run RPC on %s@%s:%d with %d.\n", rh->login, rh->hostname,
rh->port, i);
sxlink_close(rh->link); /* don't forget to do this */
/* free all stuff */
if(rh->root_x509) free(rh->root_x509);
if(rh->user_x509) free(rh->user_x509);
if(rh->hostname) free(rh->hostname);
if(rh->password) free(rh->password);
if(rh->login) free(rh->login);
if(lhub) sxhub_destroy(lhub);
return i;