.TH SXCHANNEL_OPEN 3 "20 July 2015" "SNTLLv2" "SNTL Library Manual" .SH NAME sxchannel_open \- Open RPC channel. .br sxchannel_close \- Close RPC channel .SH SYNOPSIS .B #include .sp chnl_t *sxchannel_open(conn_t *co, int type); int sxchannel_close(chnl_t *channel); .br .sp .SH DESCRIPTION .B sxchannel_open will open RPC channel using .B co connection link with specified type via .B type that available/permitted to use for current peer. .br .B sxchannel_close will close RPC channel pointed by .B channel destroying all allocated structures, including channel itself. .br .SH RETURN VALUE Upon successful completion, the function .B sxchannel_open will return a valid pointer to the newly opened RPC channel. Or NULL otherwise setting .B errno with error code. .br .B sxchannel_close will return .B SNE_SUCCESS on success, otherwise error will be returned. .SH ERRORS .B SNE_FAILED will be returned in case of bad params given. .br .B SNE_ENOMEM will be returned if there are no memory available. .br .B SNE_BADPROTO will be returned if other side has an invalid protocol. .B SNE_EPERM will be returned if permission was denied. .br .B SNE_LINKERROR or .B SNE_LINKBROKEN will be returned if connection link is broken i.e. SSL read or write was failed due to the broken TCP connection. .br .SH BUGS Not known yet. .SH EXAMPLE None. .SH APPLICATION USAGE None. .SH RATIONALE None. .SH SEE ALSO .BI connections_set_rpcvalidator(3) , .BI connection_link(3) , .BI connection_close(3) .SH COPYRIGHT This is a proprietary software. See COPYING for further details. .br (c) Askele Group 2013-2015 .SH AUTHOR Alexander Vdolainen (vdo@askele.com)