.TH SXMSG_RREPLY 3 "20 July 2015" "SXMP" "SXMP Library Manual" .SH NAME sxmsg_rreply \- Function used to send a rapid reply without confirmation .SH SYNOPSIS .B #include .br .B #include .sp int sxmsg_rreply(sxmsg_t .BI *msg , size_t .BI datalen ); .br .sp .SH DESCRIPTION .B sxmsg_rreply Will reply rapidly to the message using already allocated buffer, which must be retrieved via .B sxmsg_rapidbuf(). This function will write desired message as soon as possible. It will not wait any write or delivery confirmation. It will close message dialog if message is valid. .br .SH RETURN VALUE Upon successful completion, the function shall rapidly send a message reply and close the message dialog returning .B SXE_SUCCESS Othrewise other error code will be returned. .SH ERRORS .B SXE_FAILED returns if message has invalid index, channel or message pointer is NULL. .br .B SXE_ESSL returns if write was failed i.e. link was broken, or SSL error occurs. .br .B SNE_SUCCESS returns on success. .br .SH BUGS Not known yet. .SH EXAMPLE .B Reply rapidly from the RPC function call. .RS .nf .if t .ft CW char *buf = sxmsg_rapidbuf(msg); int ln = snprintf(buf, MAX_RBBUF_LEN, "(is-done)"); return sxmsg_rreply(msg, str, ln); .SH APPLICATION USAGE This function will be useful in RPC functions required to reply ASAP i.e. for getting some data. If RPC function takes a lot of time it's better to use other functions and/or postponed message processing. .SH RATIONALE Use for lightweight RPC functions, this method can be used only in RPC call i.e. within SXMP thread context. .SH COPYRIGHT This software licensed under GNU LGPL v3. See COPYING for further details. .br (c) Askele Group 2013-2015 .SH AUTHOR Alexander Vdolainen (vdo@askele.com)